The 10 Day Give is a challenge that is designed to help us get our minds off of ourselves and start thinking about how we can help others.
The thing is, I think most people really want to make other people’s lives better, but with everything going on all around us all hours of the day, we just don’t get a chance. This is an opportunity to choose, on purpose, to give of ourselves. There really are hundreds of opportunities that we overlook each day. My goal is to just grab hold of one of them each day.
For some people that means giving money, for others time is far more precious than money, and for others it may mean their expertise in an area. But, no matter who you are, we all have something to give.
It could be taking someone out to lunch, it could be babysitting for an overworked mom, it can as simple as giving your precious time by taking your mom to the park to talk. There are no rules, no judges, and no right or wrong ways of completing the challenge.
But, I encourage you to sign up for the challenge and decide to give whatever you can - it’s only for 10 days. And who knows, maybe it will become a habit.
So, why not decide to take 10 days to give something to a different person, each day. It doesn’t matter what the gift is, how much it costs, who it is given to, or how it is given. The point is to just to give - on purpose. We hope you decide to join us.
The purpose behind it is to give people an opportunity to:
1. Change the lives of those around you
2. Change your own life by better understanding the joy of giving
3. Make the world a better place one gift at a time
Everyone understands that the laws of gravity will cause a baseball thrown into the air to return to earth. The same creator of gravity says that when you give it will be given back to you. This law applies to everyone and is just as true as the laws of gravity.
Just as you can be certain of hitting the ground after jumping from a rooftop, you can be confident that when you give, it will come back to you. Obviously, that shouldn’t be the motivation behind giving, but it is a law that we can choose to either fight against or benefit from it.
Interestingly, God so strongly desires that we understand this law, that the only context in which testing God was condoned in the Bible was in the area of giving. He really wants people to understand the power in giving. I can tell you from personal experience that every time I have given more than I wanted to or felt like I could, surprising and unexpected increase always followed it. Sometimes in the form of an unexpected raise at work, sometimes money given to me by others, or sometimes just a discovery that leads to huge savings. But since I have been watching to see the law in action, it has been always been proved true.
These are just a few things you can expect to get if you join us…
1. The satisfaction of seeing a little effort on your part yield a lot of joy in the lives of others.
2. The assurance that what you sow you will reap - it will come back around.
3. The pleasure of knowing that you are making the world a better place - remember Pay it Forward?
4. You will get to have your name/website/shoe size or whatever you want proudly displayed on this page for all the world to see.
5. If you complete the challenge, you will receive a badge that you can display on your website/Facebook/Myspace to show your friends how cool you are!
* Start saving ASAP - it will be a lot easier to give if you have money saved up in advance.
* Fill your wallet up with cash, so you can always dole out some cash if you need to…
* I love giving to strangers, but sometimes they can be freaked out. So, proceed with caution!
* If you think your giving could freak someone out, do it anonymously. This can be very fun. You can almost turn it into a James Bond type challenge not to get caught!
* Plan out your giving in advance, but be ready when a moment of inspiration strikes.
What else can I do to help?
* Encourage others to sign up
* Write about it on your website
* Put a banner or badge up on your website (scroll up and look to the left)
* Bookmark this page with Stumbleupon, Reddit, Digg, or any others
What if I don’t have money to give?
Give your time or anything you have that can be translated into value to someone else. Get creative. There is a lot more that you can give other than money.
"My Daughter and I both cut our hair for Locks of Love and are sending it in."
What have you given?
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