They had their Double Coupon Sale. They Doubled every coupon up to $2 and without going over the price, so you can get things for free but no more than that.
Tonight I saved a total of $120.22! With a $5 off $50 purchase and another $5 with the purchase of 3 large Tides! I really needed them and the loads of dish soap! I didn't take a picture, it was just too hectic when I got home. If I break it down each item cost me $2.16. I am welled stocked up! I no longer need ANYTHING at all! I now will only be managing my stockpile.
Tonight I saved a total of $120.22! With a $5 off $50 purchase and another $5 with the purchase of 3 large Tides! I really needed them and the loads of dish soap! I didn't take a picture, it was just too hectic when I got home. If I break it down each item cost me $2.16. I am welled stocked up! I no longer need ANYTHING at all! I now will only be managing my stockpile.