Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sleepy Lil' Man...

This is Jacob right after we pulled into our driveway. We went to our friend's house to celebrate their daughter being hospital free for a year! The hospital people told her that she would have to be hospitalized every time she got a cold. Well Jacob had so much fun with the other children he wore himself out!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Growing too fast!

Here is Hannah on her first day of 2nd grade!

Where has all the time gone? It really seems like yesterday she was a lil' babe.

Hannah was so excited about her 1st day that I went to her room to wake her up but she was already dressed and ready to go. Let me tell you that is not like her at all! You usually have to drag her out of bed in the morning.
We are all set for a great year!